13/10/2004 The Broadband Baby Boom
Tight-knit communities tend to give rise to some interesting, and completely inexplicable social phenomena. There are many documented cases of groups simply rising en masse and carrying out collective acts, without any purposeful organisation or forethought. Perhaps it's a similar event to mass hysteria, but without the hysterics.
Any examination, or theory as to the cause of such happenings are well beyond the scope of a mere .news article, and far beyond the realm of the .news author's limited mental faculties; But we do have an example of such a bizarre episode arising on The Dating Game, and it's a strange one, alright!
It's perhaps unlikely that even a single TDG user would enter the domain of parenthood, but as a group? Certainly something that can't be explained with conventional logic. Yet, here we are!
Congratulations go out to Bear, whose son was born on 10th August 2004, and to Babygirl and Estlin, who are both expecting their first children in 2005. Estlin, obviously, is not pregnant himself - if he were, we really would have an anomaly to discuss in this article. Rather, his wife, Mumu, is joyfully enceinte.
07/09/2004 The .say Command? Their idea!
There's no doubt about it, "OLDTIMER" was a misnomer. After all, with
such youthful people as Ceisure, and Flea at that rank, the mental
picture one summons of a retirement home, filled with TDG users on
their zimmers, just didn't seem to fit with reality.
So, the idea was rethought. The large print bingo hall of Dating
Game ranks was replaced with something new, dynamic, and overflowing
with a vibrant, creative mien. Oh, and if you hadn't noticed, at
the same time we hired one of those overpriced corporate flacks to
write some meaningless rhetoric to describe the frivolous stylistic
Those of you just skimming this article to find the meat of it should
focus on this paragraph. The "OLDTIMER" rank has been dropped, and has
been replaced by the brand new "CONSULTANT" designation! Why was
"CONSULTANT" picked? Because this fine group of people, being composed
of former staff, and long standing members of the TDG community who've
had a great influence since the first day, are responsible for
suggesting and aiding with the development of the ideas behind many of
the wonderful features that we all take for granted, today!
What's that? You want an example of a feature originating from the
CONSULTANTs? Very well.. uh... the talker used to boot people off,
once they'd been connected for eleven seconds. They had the notion
of discontinuing this policy, a policy that's still enforced even
today, at many lesser talkers.
So, this is, indeed, welcome news, and in conclusion, there's just one
thing to say... the paragraph preceeding this one was a complete lie!
27/08/2004 And They Called it Aussie Love
It seems to be a routine occurance for TDG staff members, and former
staff members, to get married. Indeed, just look at such dignitaries
as Rlic, SuprSlicr, and that jerk who used to log in but then
disappeared for several years without so much as a word.
But while the situation itself is not a rarity, each occasion is
both a unique, and joyous one, and something that we'll never feel
we've seen too much of.
Therefore, please congratulate our resident Australian staff
member, Lollipop, and her now husband, Ribbon, who embarked upon
their new lives together when they tied the knot on February
28, 2004. The staff and users couldn't be happier, and we all
wish you a lifetime of marital bliss.
If you hadn't already figured it out, The Dating Game's .news service
is the contemporary digital equivalent of a cheap supermarket tabloid.
Yes, it's safe to say that over 95% of what you read here is pure
crap, made up on the spot.
Occasionally though, we're compelled by our sense of journalistic
integrity (or at least by intense legal pressure) to issue a
retraction. We recently received one such request from Lollipop's
attorneys, and therefore with nothing but sincerity would like to
issue the following statement:
Lollipop has not been demoted. Lollipop was never demoted. She
remains as a MANAGER and all rumours of demotion stemmed from a now
fired reporter who was in a drunken stupor, at the time.
(If there's need to issue a further retraction it will simply be
to say that Lollipop was demoted, albeit temporarily, as she has
pledged to make the time to continue with her MANAGER duties.
27/08/2004 Off The Record, They Were Stealing Office Supplies
Any community can be viewed as an organic being. It grows, shifts and changes as time progresses. It's more than the sum of its parts,
because it's the ever metamorphosing entity that the interactions
between each of those parts creates. New people come, and old friends
depart, and sometimes, those familiar to us find they have other
commitments, and perhaps are unable to devote the time and energy that
they once did.
You can see where this is going, can't you? Well YOU try to make yet
another news update about staff changes seem interesting, and tell us
how you get on.
So we bid a tearful "farewell" from the ranks of the staff to our
departing friends, Anne, Kelly and Lollipop, whose real lives (horrible
little things, real lives, you know?) are consuming more of their
leisure time. We also bid a happy "hello" to the same individuals as
they join the ranks of the OLDTIMERs and will, undoubtedly, drop by
to grace us with their company, even if their presence isn't as
consistent as before.
21/04/2004 Just What The Hell Is a "Petawawa", Anyway?
While the big wedding is still on for September, our resident PRODUCERs
recently came to a conclusion. The conclusion was that following
Syzygy's safe return to his home in Petawawa, ON, they did not want
to wait any longer to be able to call themselves "husband and wife".
So, therefore, it is with great joy that we congratulate Syzygy and
SuprSlicr, who surprised everyone by officially/unofficially (after
all, there's still a big official wedding to come!) tying the knot
in a small, private ceremony in Ottawa, on February 28th, 2004.
To both of you: Wonderful news, indeed, and we wish you a lifetime of
happiness, good memories, and timely website updates. See you in
21/04/2004 Staff Rotated Every 6 Months for Freshness
It's all part of the greater routine. Seasons change, spring blooms
and the staff appointments at TDG go through another little shake-up.
You know the drill, by now. You know that it's time to wave a tearfull
farewell to a retiring comrade, and perhaps to congratulate the lucky
replacement, who has been picked for their grace, knowledge and generally
aidant demeanour. So the only questions left unanswered are: "Who are
the invididuals in question?" and "What does this mean for me, the
average user?".
Well, in brief, Cougar is stepping down from his long time MANAGER
position as other commitments upon his time mean that he can no longer
put in the energy required. Former MANAGER Agazyr, meanwhile, is coming
out of retirement and heading into a second term of office; Not only
helping to fill the gap, but also ensuring that the Dutch constitute a
20% proportion of the active staff.
And as for what this means? Well, not only does it give you another
point of contact for any issues that you may have, but it also means
we'll be seeing many more of Agazyr's sickening proclivities exposed
through dropped .tells, not just in public rooms, but potentially now
through systemwide broadcast messages as well!
05/12/2003 Network Nomenclature (Or "Why use 15 keystrokes when you can use 24?")
When most people are asked what they consider the major component
missing from TDG is... ...well, they say "funding", "quality coding"
or in some cases "porn". But after interviewing Rlic, Penster and
then Troll, we happened upon some (comparatively) normal users...
And they said; okay, they said pretty much the same things. But
one guy did mention "A domain name!" which, thankfully, was the
answer we were hoping for - proving that there really was a demand.
Alright, so we paid him.
Anyhow, The Dating Game can now be reached via the following
And by telnet at:
the-dating-game.net Port: 5959
We request that you update your bookmarks and links immediately, as
if we ever change servers (which we aren't planning, but who knows
what the future may hold?) this address shall continue to work. It
also opens up alternate options for any juncture at which talker.com is
05/12/2003 The pitter patter of little fingers on keys...
Geekish as all who dwell within the depths of The Dating Game are, some
of them do, from time to time, fall in love. Outlandish as this
phenomenon seems to be, it has become a frequent enough occurance that
it was really only a matter of time before at least one couple attempted
to dabble in the arcane art of procreation.
But what was the probability of it being a success?!
Yes, our very own Grrr and Kirsty have had a baby! Born at 1:25pm
on 22nd October 2003, "Little Big Mac" as he shall henceforth be
known was brought into this world, to become the youngest member of
our extended TDG family. CONGRATULATIONS, Grrr and Kirsty, and we
hope to see Little Big Mac in seventeen years or so on what then
will be Virtual Reality TDG 2020. (Well, if the robots haven't
taken over in a bloody coup d'etat by then).
17/08/2003 But will he change his last name to "Slicr"?
Syzygy has gone on record many times as being a staunch adversary to the
entire on-line relationship notion for a long time, and has made attempts
to discourage what he saw as foolish forays into that domain on numerous
occasions. It is, therefore, both fitting and ironic that the mise en
scene within which his own love life has played out is nowhere other than
The Dating Game. We will, quite naturally, be making him eat his words
for a long time to come.
The object of his affection is SuprSlicr, which was relatively predictable,
based solely on the fact that we're unable to have a news item that
doesn't mention her name in one context or another.
Before we reach the point at which the news is announced, the time has come
to depart from the usual style and be 100% serious. I'm sure all of you
who know them will agree with this sentiment: Syzygy and SuprSlicr
are two of the most friendly, giving, and genuine people that you could
ever hope to meet, be the form of that meeting on-line or in the
tangible world. It sparks new faith in the concept of kismet that they
should find each other, because truly they deserve all the warmth,
compassion and happiness that they bring to one another. I'm sure
you'll all join us in wishing Syzygy and Suprslicr the best future
possible and our congratulations as they annnounce their engagement
for 2004.
17/08/2003 The first step to curing addiction is admitting that you have a problem
I'm sure we've all been having the withdrawl symptoms, as TDG went off-
line for approximately 24 hours. The truth of the matter is that Rlic
spilled Gatorade into the machinery, causing a series of loud pops,
and TDG being removed from the 'net. Well, that and talker.com had
a little hiccup. We'll keep you posted as technical details become
available, but the good news is that we're back. Of course, if you're
reading this, you know that already, making this whole news story
somewhat redundant. No allegations that this story was quickly put
together to pad out the .news will be heard! The nerve to even ask.
15/08/2003 It's simple really - our system clock was stuck on April 1st
Okay. The thing about SuprSlicr becoming the TDG coder was a joke. A
JOKE. But... she does have a new position here at The Dating Game.
She joins Syzygy at the exhalted rank of PRODUCER. We're serious, this
time. YES! REALLY!
Not only will this mean she's available to manage the webpage during
Syzygy's upcoming absence, but it means there's an additional point
of contact for any user or staff issues. SuprSlicr was a natural
choice, being an omnipresent force in TDG land, and most friendly and
helpful, to boot!
Yes, this does mean that JamesRC is still the coder. Still, you can't
win 'em all, right?
26/05/2003 Little known fact: The Canadian wedding ceremony includes a human sacrifice It's
astounding, the things that those desperate for fame will do. Let's
take the case of a former TDG staff member. The individual in question
has been on a crusade for around two years. Her objective? To make
her way back into the .news. The campaign has been a fierce one...
emails, phone calls, death threats... but it has been fruitless. Then
this person came to a realisation! To appear in the .news, you have to
do something newsworthy. So she racked her brain, and finally came up
with an (almost) fool-proof scheme. Get married! That seems both
important enough to make the cut, and yet innocuous enough that no-one
would suspect that its true nature is simply that of a ploy for this
attention... but this eagle-eyed reporter has caught onto the game.
Sorry, but we will not validate your actions by revealing your name.
Oh, very well. Congratulations to Ceisure, who announces her engagement
to her non-TDG boyfriend, Jonathan! And speaking of which, if he's the
one to have stolen Ceisure's heart, shouldn't he be paraded in front of
the TDG populace for their approval?
06/02/2003 If
you must know, we found him under a bridge.
This news announcement is not late. It was simply pre-empted for college
sports in your local viewing area. (You're not buying it, are you?)
Excuses aside, we're proud to announce our two newest staff members!
SuprSlicr is the
first, who despite having been part of our little community for less
than a year now has a total login time greater than most other regulars.
Her secret, of course, is abusing her real job for the purpose of chatting.
As you're no doubt aware, she's personable and ever helpful. She'll
be with us for a long time, too - after all, where would she go? She
lost her license!
The second new staff
member is Troll. What can be said about Troll? No, really. We're stumped.
Tell us if you know. Of course, he wouldn't be appointed to this position
if he wasn't knowledgeable, helpful and perpetually present. Congratulations,
24/7/2001 The
Dating Game
continues the Trivia Tradition!! Trivia will be back folks, and everyone
can start fresh again! Check the Trivia Night Page for more info!
30/4/2001 The Dating Game celebrates its fourth birthday!!
Congratulations and thanks to all the users that helped make this place
such a special home to be.. and onwards to the next four!
30/3/2001 The Dating Game has a completely new page design!
Eyot has, aided by Rlic, Penster, Ceisure and a few other people's
suggestions, developed a new look&feel for this page. We hope you
like it!
10/3/2001 The Dating Game welcomes more new staff members!
Penster and Rlic carefully picked a few new staff members, and are happy
to announce that Agazyr will be taking over Satin's post, who decided
to step down, and Lollipop and Cougar were added to increase the number
of wizzes for their time zone. With them aboard, the staff now consists
of members from practically every time zone, so users can consider
themselves in good hands!
1/3/2001 The Dating Game's newest tradition: Trivia Night!
Penster decided to start organising a weekly Trivia Night in the talker,
where users that wish to play get quizzed on their trivia knowledge
about a new subject every week. The first game has shown promising and
exciting, and hopefully this is the start of a new tradition!
16/2/2001 The Dating Game has two new staff members! Everybody at The Dating Game
welcomes Anne, who will supplement the already very able and friendly
staff with her enthusiasm and warm personality, and Eyot, who follows
Smurf in her footsteps as the new webmaster. Smurf sadly resigned as
staff member, but don't worry, she'll still be around to brighten the
place up!