The Dating Game - How To Connect To The 

Dating Game

How To Connect To The Dating Game


Gmud is a telnet client that is available for free on the Internet. It was coded by Daniel L. Kelly II, and was originally intended for MUDs, which are comparable to talkers except they have a role-playing-game aspect to them, and often involve solving puzzles. Telnet talkers are 'merely' places you can go to to meet people. Gmud can be used to go to telnet talkers, as well.
You can download Gmud by
clicking here.

When you've downloaded "Gmud install.exe" zip archive, move it to a directory where you wish Gmud to be installed, eg: C:/Program Files. Double click on "Gmud install.exe". This will bring up a box. Click on the button "unzip". This will extract the files to a folder called "Gmud" and should tell you after that it was successful.  Click on the "close" button.  You can then remove the file "Gmud install.exe" to another location to save it for a reinstall, or delete it all together.

Go into the new folder that you just created called Gmud. Create a shortcut to gmud32.exe by dragging the file to your desktop and letting go.  This will put an icon there for you to click on in future.  Ensure that you are connected to the internet. Double click on the icon to Run GMUD.

Setup has already been done for you with the creation of a "world" labeled "
The Dating Game".

To log in, click on "file", then "connect", then choose "
The Dating Game talker" from the list on the left (the only thing so far in the list) and click the button "connect". When it connects, you will see the login screen for The Dating Game. You are prompted for your name. Type your name (that you want to use at The Dating Game) in the bottom window and hit "enter". It will then prompt you for a password. Type that in and hit enter. (If this is the first login attempt you will have to confirm your password by typing it again.) You are now logged into The Dating Game.

We suggest you do not use this feature because on some talkers it can echo your password to the room you log into. (in this preconfigured set up, we have not activated this)

If you go look in the folder GMUD you will find in there a file called "manual.doc". There you will find more advanced help on the other things GMUD has to offer you.

Welcome to
The Dating Game. Please read the help file about when you first log on for further reference.

Java applet

The Dating Game suggests the Java Applet for new users. This allows you to connect right through your browser with no software installation. The applet includes most of the features of Gmud and should work perfectly well for most systems.

Want to connect to
The Dating Game now? Just click below. The instructions for your first login are similar to those that we put with Gmud and Hyperterminal.



Hyperterminal is Windows' own telnet program. If you are on a Windows PC (or laptop as for that matter), you can activate it simply by clicking on the button below:

Click here to connect to The Dating Game!

When you click the image, Hyperterminal will automatically start. You are now at
The Dating Game login screen.
You are prompted for your name. Type your name (that you want to use at
The Dating Game) in and hit "enter".
It will then prompt you for a password. Type that in and hit enter. (If this is the first login attempt you will have to confirm your password by typing it again.)
You are now logged into
The Dating Game.

If you can't see what you're typing, try to find a 'settings' or 'options' or something along those lines, in the little menus at the top. Find 'Local Echo' and turn that on. Now you should be able to see what you're typing.

Welcome to
The Dating Game. Please read the help file about when you first log on for further reference.